Inspirational Christmas Stories by Charles Dickens

Besides the grand decorations like the Christmas tree, glowing candles and new curtains along with gifts and new clothes, the spirit of the occasion that celebrates the birth of Jesus is best communicated through story telling. The Bible contains many moral lessons that read like #classic Christmas stories too. The stories spread the messages of peace and compassion, sincerity and love that the great Jesus stood for all his life. So gather around the fire in the cold winter or sit on the carpet to hear out those stories.

The time for fun and laughter, songs, #christmas poems, christmas stories for kids, good food and games has arrived that comes but once a year. Make the most of the splendid occasion! Grimm’s Fairy Tales and the stories about Olive, The Orphan Reindeer and The Snow Queen do appeal to little kids in search of spiritual truths. The Gift of the Magi by O. Henry is a supreme piece of storytelling that recreates the episode of the birth of Jesus when three wise men called the Magi followed a star to find him and hand over auspicious gifts. A Christmas Carol by Charles Dickens also communicates the ideas of kindness and love that lies at the heart of the Christmas spirit, concern for the welfare of humankind.